Railways in the 21st Century, a Global Renaissance

Join us for an interesting overview on the Railway with Richard H Brown, Chartered Civil Engineer with fifty years of experience in Railway Civil Engineering.

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Railways in the 21st Century, a Global Renaissance

Richard Brown, civil engineer and expert in railroads will be sharing with us not only the history of railroads, but what is happening today, and where we can expect them to go in the future.

Richard is a chartered civil engineer with fifty years of experience in railway civil engineering and forty years of experience as a reservist in the British Army.  He has had many roles as an engineer and a business manager in the national railways of Britain and more latterly in managing major projects overseas in Romania and Tanzania.  As an army officer, he has been particularly involved with post-war recovery in conflict-afflicted countries, having been mobilized on operations to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  He is especially proud to have been awarded the U.S. Bronze Star Medal for his work in Iraq.

A friendly meet and greet will follow at 6:00 PM at Cuba 1958, located at 1766 Main Street, Sarasota.

General Admission

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